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 | Addis Ababa - History of Ethiopian urbanization and founding of Addis Ababa.
|  | Emperor Tewodros II - Contains a history of his early life, his involvement in the Wollo campaign, the reincorporating of the kingdom of Shewa, and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Also contains his personal tribulations and marriages.
 | Ethiopian History - Yohannes IV - - Brief coverage of the rule of Emperor Yohannes IV of Ethiopia; how he came to be emperor, him major oppositions during his reign, and events leading to his death.
|  | ICL - Ethiopia Index - - Highlights of events in Ethiopia in the last 150 years.
 | Imperial Ethiopia - Ethiopian and African history, culture, tradition and information on the country's kings and queens.
|  | Nazret.com - Ethiopian History - - Information about Ethiopian modern history, including a timeline.
 | Nineteenth and twentieth century - A Collection of Essays by Dr. Richard Pankhurst
|  | Timeline Part: 1853-1882 - Conflict in late 19th century Ethiopia.
 | War Conflicts in Ethiopia - Brief descriptions of each major war in Ethiopia in the last century and a half.
|  | BBC News | AFRICA | Timeline: Ethiopia - A chronology of key events of foreign interference, Haile Selassie's reign, Red Terror, and Ethiopia after Mengistu. (April 26, 2003)