
Ethiopia, Politics


Ethiopian Politics DirectoryEthiopian Politics Directory - Guide to Ethiopian politics - categorized articles, news, links. Ethiopiawinet Ethiopianism UnitedEthiopiawinet Ethiopianism United - This forum promotes discussion of issues surrounding economic development, repatriation, and other matters that can benefit all Ethiopians and neighboring Nile countries.
Oromiyaa People's Liberation FrontOromiyaa People's Liberation Front - A democratic national organization pressing for improved conditions for the Oromo people, who number 30 million people and mostly inhabit the northeast Africa. Sidama ConcernSidama Concern - News, articles, reviews and discussion about the Sidama people and their political issues.
Sidama National Liberation Organisation (SNLO)Sidama National Liberation Organisation (SNLO) - The work of the Sidama people in an attempt to free their country from oppression Tigrean International Solidarity for Justice and Democracy (TISJD)Tigrean International Solidarity for Justice and Democracy (TISJD) - Tigrean worldwide solidarity organization for justice and democracy in Ethiopia.


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